Guest House & Recuperative Care
Room In The Inn’s Guest House is often a first step towards recovery. Created in 1991 at the request of Nashville’s judges, our Guest House provides an alternative to jail for public intoxication. In addition, we coordinate with hospitals and other care providers to provide recuperative care, which includes respite for medically fragile homeless individuals recovering from recent hospitalization, illness, or injury.
For more information on referrals to the Guest House, please download the
"Recuperative Care Referral Form."The integrated model for care at the Guest House includes:
An alternative to jail for the publicly intoxicated
A safe space for recuperation from acute or chronic medical conditions
Support coordination and assistance with permanent housing
Access to mental health services
Alcohol and drug addiction recovery classes and services
Community living and support
Benefits to the community include:
Recognition of addiction as a medical and social issue that can be treated, rather than criminal one.
Reduced time and public costs for police processing and court visits
Fewer ER visits and emergency response calls
Fewer and shortened hospital stays
People are equipped with life skills
New Participant Orientation Video WATCH
New Congregation Info Pack DOWNLOAD PDF
Current Congregation Registration Form DOWNLOAD PDF
The Room In The Inn Story, by Charles Strobel Download PDF