Please email
volunteer@roomintheinn.org to learn about current in person volunteer opportunities, as well as virtual opportunities.
Also, check out our
Education Series with lesson plans and activities for families and small groups to learn more about the circumstances surrounding homelessness and how you can help!
Room In The Inn welcomes volunteers in every area of our community life. They serve in many roles, according to their gifts and talents and our needs. More than 7,000 people volunteer in our partner congregations during the winter months. In addition, roughly 400 people visit our downtown campus each month to share their time.

How Do I Volunteer?
If you are interested in helping with hosting participants through our Winter Shelter program, contact your congregation to see if it is one of our nearly 200 partners. Each congregation coordinates its own volunteers and hospitality.
If you are interested in volunteering at our downtown Campus, please contact
volunteer@roomintheinn.org for more information.

Volunteer Orientations
Individuals interested in volunteering are required to attend a 45 minute volunteer orientation session. Please contact volunteer@roomintheinn.org to inquire on upcoming dates for orientation.
Orientations are held at our downtown Campus, at 705 Drexel Street, Nashville TN, 37203. Parking is available in the Room In The Inn parking lot or on our side of Drexel St. Please use the call box at the entrance gate and a staff member will buzz you in.